Do you like gymnastics ? Well I do ! Hi I am Bella and I love gymnastics. Did you know you can do a lot of fun things in gymnastics ? I used to do gymnastics at Mjm Studios . That was before I hurt my foot though. When I hurt my foot I could no longer do gymnastics until it was healed and after it was healed like 2 months later it was summer and I was really busy so my mom said that I could get in gymnastics after summer. But after summer something happened again.
Mjm Studios is a studio where you can do tumbling , hip – hop , ballet , and gymnastics. Mjm is a great place to go. You start at a low level and work your way up to a higher level. I started at a low level and after about 4 classes I got up to the higher level. Then that is when I hurt my foot and had to wait until after summer to do it again.
How did I hurt my foot and what did I do to it your probably wandering. Well I did a lot of flips and one day I was about to go to school and my foot hurt really bad so we went to the doctors and the doctor looked at the x – ray and found out that it was fractured . So obviously I fractured it. Have you ever broken / fractured anything ?
Alexandre Gallier via Compfight
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